August 03, 2005

Relativity is a Theory, NOT a Fact

Given our president's well-reasoned stand that "intelligent design" (a regurgitation of the theories of 19th century philosopher William Paley) should be taught along side the theory of evolution so that students can hear "both theories," I don't see any reason not teach students about luminiferous ether along side the (unproven!) theory of special relativity. ("Can you prove that it DOESN'T exist?")


Blogger JAB said...

Arrgh. A thousand arrghs. Arrghs streching through the untold wastes of time, evolving in Rorraghs, Yeaggghhs, and ARRRRRs!

I'm out of presidential insults this morning, so I'm keeping it simply and just leaving at George Bush: Chimp.

Although, if there was ever a painterly image in the history of physics, it was the luminiferous ether.

August 3, 2005 at 11:27 AM  

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