March 03, 2004


Inspired by these patriots, I propose the following new anti-Kerry group:

Vietnam Vets for Pretending the Vietnam War Was a Good Idea and Denying that George W. Bush Had the Military Equivalent of a Mob No-Show Construction Job at the Time

[I believe I have shared my new decision rule for presidential candidates: I will only vote for individuals who have served with distinction in our nation's armed services.

As far as Vietnam goes, I have a feeling this election is going to be about a whole lot more than who is going to be the next president. Looks like Bush the Elder was 15 years early writing off Vietnam as an issue. If anyone should have the last word on Vietnam it should be the band Dave's True Story, whose "Daddy-o" includes these lyrics:

The word from Saigon
Mao will change his tune
Let bys be bygone
We'll be gone by June.

Also, if memory serves:

The Best and the Brightest
have a job to do
They don't need reminding
about Dien Bien Phu...

- MoF ]


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