May 04, 2004


While the Undersecretary and I drove past the eastern end of the Anchorage International Airport the other day, we could not help commenting on the 2 dilapidated AWACS parked by where all the suspicious aircraft are parked: the same place where Southern Air Transport and Mark Air parked their C-130s and assorted, one can only assume, illicit drug and weapons shipments in the 1980s. This spot, next to the FedEx building, is in plain view, and long ago featured an unmoving pair of C-46s for many years of my youth. Just this week, it also featured an oddly unmarked 747 and a C-141.

I bring this up because of my taxi driver this morning. He reported regular pick-ups for stony-faced civilian pilots, who say nothing about their flights, whose taxi rides are always pre-arranged, and have on rare occasions made intimations of associations with the CIA and the DIA.

So here is the direction of further inquiry: where do these spooks hang out? Club Paris? The Jewel Lake Tastee Freeze? And why not just do all this at Elmendorf? And what the heck does one do with a used AWAC?

[Park it next to a major intersection for the ultimate in speed traps. -UttDC]


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