October 04, 2004

Where You Go When You Mis-Type "eisengeiste" in Firefox

e --> e online, with a sick picture of mutant...oh wait, that's Donald Trump

ei --> ?

eis --> Scotland's largest teaching union

eise --> The NPS site for the Eisenhower farm

eisen --> Eisen Lab, whose proprietor just won the "highest honor bestowed by the U.S. government on outstanding scientists and engineers beginning their independent careers".

eiseng --> The British Council's Education Virtual Campus (defunct).

eisenge --> Some German chip site

eisengei --> A geneaology page

eisengeis --> A way interesting blog

eisengeist --> I have no idea what this freaky German thing is

eisengeiste --> Arguably the finest blog to feature left-handed Alaskan vegetarians, Alaskan civil libertarian painters who despise performance art, Alaskan QA engineers who dislike gun nuts but are crack shots, West Virginian hotties with a thing for Paris, red-bearded Alaskan bagpipers, and Alaskan government fungus fans who admire Avant Garde typefaces and Marshall Foch.

Let's see The National Review do that.


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