January 27, 2005

Another Unfair Tax on Rich, Ugly Women

Washington state, under its new Democratic Legislature and Democratic governor (yes, thank YOU fellow Eisengeisters), is considering Jersey's plan for a vanity tax on cosmetic surgery, in the incredibly outrageous form of removing the exemption from sales tax, all just to pay for basic health care for children.

Hmmm....basic health care for children, or very slightly more expensive plastic surgery for rich people.

I can't figure this out! What would Jesus do? What would Jesus do?

Downside- I suppose there would be slightly more slightly less attractive people. Sure, you can make reasonable points about problems with dedicated taxes, or the underlying problem with health lying elsewhere and other such high minded formal fluff, but that was some other America where Johnny Carson was host.



Blogger JAB said...

A fair point - temporary export of trophy wives abroad, with subsequent divorces that return half of joint assets to the United States, is a major potential economic sector.

January 28, 2005 at 2:44 PM  

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