The Black Hole of Geneva, Slush Station Zebra
The Large Hadron Collider at CERN is warming up for its 2007 start. It may be used to create minature black holes.
I realize the risk of getting sucked into an artificial black hole is fairly small, but I also am given to understand that the probability is non-zero, which warmly reminds me of the calculation before the original atomic bomb test that there was only a 25% chance of the entire atmosphere catching on fire.
Meanwhile, climate change is (of course) worse than we thought (and BTW the Greenland is melting scenario from ten years ago is back), but can oil rigs actually save us by reinjecting CO2 back where we got? In the meantime, as goes Shishmaref, so goes Bangladesh.

The North Polar Ice Cap, January 6, 2075 (Projection)
Attention Climatologists: I know it's your training. I know there are outstanding issues. But stop equivocating in public, or we and most of the earth's creatures may be dead of starvation. We're pumping the atomosphere full of CO2, a gas which certainly causes it to heat. We need to knock it off.
Which is why, as I write this, I decided to enjoy a second donut, and will spend tomorrow painting a beautiful woman.
By way of example, there is a non-zero probability that my sofa will suddenly reassemble into Uma Thurman. The fact that nothing like this has ever happened is merely evidence that it is extremely unlikely.
A slim chance, to say the least, but an engaging thought.
However, the last I read about this, concern over artificial black hole generation was a bit more than non-zero. Some scientists were a bit worried as well.
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