April 05, 2005

The classics through a shredder for Viagra

Below is an excerpt from a piece of spam that came over the transom today. Random garbage? Or classic literature through the eyes of an editor with severe attention deficit disorder?

barbarians on the right side, and the Stewarts were barbarians on the resolved to move into the prison, where Mr. Micawber had now cravat took Peggotty down a little, and inspired her with a greater weather-side; and tho during the colloquy with Claggart they of I was in that state of subjection to the thought of my friend that it The word recalled us to some wisdom. Alan ran upstairs and returned At first she wouldnt come at all; and then she pleaded for five Tut, tut, child. said the Duchess. Everythings got a to him, this concealment, into which I am so unhappy as to have had been wise; but Alan went into that matter like a business, or I Captain, this struck him as a most immodest presumption.

This text followed a price schedule for erectile supplements, and clearly was placed there to confound certain spam filters.

What confounds me: if you Google on some of the fragments above, you are taken to one of several sites selling grey market antidepressants. Are they trying to make a statement about Dickens?

And what marketing maven supposed that people would pay twice as much for a product called "Viagra Soft?"


Blogger Corresponding Secretary General said...

Maybe it was concocted by a frustrated liberal arts major, forced to make a living by hawking pharmeceuticals, who knew that Dickens fathered ten children and made his living as a marketing-savvy serialist. Maybe, but I doubt it.

April 5, 2005 at 7:53 PM  
Blogger Undersecretary to the Deputy Commissariat said...

More likely a frustrated computer science major who minored in drama, I'd wager.

April 5, 2005 at 8:17 PM  
Blogger JAB said...

Maybe they were subtlely marketing a bigger Dickens.

April 5, 2005 at 9:04 PM  
Blogger Corresponding Secretary General said...

ONce again, leave it to the FSL to find le mot juste.

April 6, 2005 at 1:06 AM  

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