"I'm Gonna Get Der Furher Sure as Shootin
IRON CANDY is the (honorific) title of a blog I set up just for presenting REBAR FOR TOOTSIE ROLLS on a single weblog. IronCandy.blogspot.com. It contains the complete intermittent adventures of Dr. Max Marion Brain in his relentless pursuit of the atomic nazi robot problem.
And now, to get you in the mood, here are the complete lyrics of the song "I'll get Der Furher, Sure as Shooting," By "Slim" Johnny Bond in the 1943 Cowboy Nazi spy ring epic "Cowboy Commandos."

"I'm Gonna Get der Führer, Sure as Shootin'"
I'm gonna get der Führer, sure as shootin',
With my rootin' tootin' .45, I swear.
We'd get our man without much tally hootin'.
So old pickle puss, I'm warning you, beware.
With a noose around his head,
And his body full of lead,
I'll deliver him as dead as dead can be.
I'm gonna get der Führer, sure as shootin',
And that ought to make a hero out of me.
I'm gonna get der Führer, sure as shootin'.
When we cowpokes go out huntin' we don't stop.
I'll send his band of bandits all a scootin',
And make a clean up of the filthy lot.
My lariat I'll twine
Around that silly swine,
And I'll spank the Nazi Heinie*, wait and see.
I'm gonna get der Führer, sure as shootin',
And that ought to make a hero out of me.

I was just thinking of that song the other day...
It begs the question:
Where are TODAY'S anti-fascist cowboys?
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