Guess He'll Get a Medal Too
One of my favorite, and most useful, movie quotes comes from "Broadcast News" when Albert Brooks describes some of the evil among us:
"What do you think the devil's going to look like if he's around? C'mon, no one's going to be taken in by a guy with a long, red, pointy tail! . . . He will be attractive. He'll be nice and helpful. He'll get a job where he influences a great, God-fearing nation. He'll never do an evil thing. He'll never deliberately hurt a living thing. He'll just-bit by little bit-lower our standards where they're important. . . . Just coax along flash over substance. Just a tiny little bit."
Except for the "tiny little" part, I find myself once again thinking of this quote when I consider this man, Michael Brown, the still-not-out-of-a-job FEMA-Fuck-up:

His FEMA bio and the White House press release regarding his appointment say he was an "assistant city manager with emergency services oversight." Time Magazine learned that he was an assistant to the city manager, essentially an intern while he was a college.
His FindLaw entry says he was named "Outstanding Political Science Professor" at Central State University in Oklahoma, but according to the university, he was never on the faculty there, he was only a student. In fact, no one at the University seems to have know about the award and no one can confirm other honors he claimed from his time as a student.
His FindLaw entry also claims that from 1983 to the present Brown has been director of the Oklahoma Christian Home, a nursing home in Oklahoma. But Time called up the place and was told that Brown is "not a person that anyone here is familiar with." The nursing home hasn't had a board of directors for a few years, but even when they did, he didn't serve on it. Time checked with staff at FEMA and was told "he's never claimed to be the director of the home. He was on the board of directors, or governors of the nursing home." However, an employee at the center since 1981 said Brown "was never director here, was never on the board of directors, was never executive director. He was never here in any capacity. I never heard his name mentioned here."
Shall we take up a collection to get his law license yanked? The Progress Report thinks so.
Oh, my, yes.
And renew his chimp license while we're at it.
It is also worth noting that he was actually LET GO from his infamous Arabian Horse commissioner position.
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