October 21, 2005

Turner and Trafalgar


William Turner, 1806 The Battle of Trafalgar, as Seen from the Mizen Starboard Shrouds of the Victory.

As Nelson was a liberator of England, William Turner is one of the great liberators of art, founding, almost a century ahead of his time, a dominance of composition, form, and light over subject matter that would clear a path for the 20th century's heady freedom; we benefit from it daily. You can see in his work the modern world seeping in, fast, powerful, soaked in change.
That almost infamous harbinger of change in art, the Turner prize, is named for him.

Many, even most, of art's greatest painters worked from the sea (Brueghel); the true ship often described as the most beautiful of mankind's creations.


Blogger VMM said...

Thanks, I'd been trying to find a good electronic rendering of this for my desktop background.

October 22, 2005 at 2:36 PM  

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