October 17, 2005

The War on Ordinary American Prosperity

Large public universities are facing a huge loss of public support, the direct result of which will be more social restratification, and a withering of the economic, scientific and cultural creativity and capacity of the United States. How bad the effect will depend on the how much of this is resisted, and how resilient the individual institutions are. Certainly, there's more than a little institutional self-protection in the complaints. But we're about to poison the higher educational well with the same bullshit that all but destroyed our public health care system: that the magical fairies running the markets will benefit everyone. Why bother funding higher education when there are so many successful private universities doing so well?

Combined with the implications of the Delphi bankruptcy, and the relentless attack on working people's salaries, health care and working conditions, it's getting harder and harder to imagine a prosperous and progressive future for most Americans.

The Republican party betrays America, day in, day out, pausing only to spew, ironically, more Social Darwinism. But I suppose they can't help but see higher education for middle class Americans as a threat.


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