May 13, 2007

Word to That

Dr. X posts this from very far from Gaydonia:

"This is just a bit about Raymond Burr from a random review of 'His Kind of Woman':

" 'He made a great heavy, and for those of us who grew up with him as (trademark quick intake of breath) Perry Mason, seeing him in bad-guy roles is always a treat. The Wikipedia entry says he had a relationship with Natalie Wood, which surprised many people, due to his homosexuality. Really? He was gay, not stupid. If she made a move on him, he probably realized he was obliged to respond – if not for himself, than on behalf of all men. If he’d turned her down, and told the story at the gayest party in Gaytown in the state of West Gayginia in the nation of Gaydonia on the planet Gay, everyone would fall silent, and someone would say you turned down Natalie Wood? What is wrong with you?' "


Blogger VMM said...

What a great cast!

May 13, 2007 at 10:30 PM  

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