September 04, 2007

Achtung Flanker!

Dr. X posts this from Heinz Guderian Stadium at Stanford University:

"This must be true, because it is on The Internet:
[Stanford football coach] Shaughnessy was fond of quoting General Douglas MacArthur, who said that the training on the athletic field provided much of the courage, mental agility and physical development necessary for combat. But one military hero of Shaughnessy’s was one he didn’t tell anyone for many years after World War II. But he adapted some of his strategies to the football field in the late 1930s. He didn’t even tell his players where he got his ideas. That was because his hero was a Nazi general named Heinz Guderian, who revolutionized land warfare with the panzer-led blitzkrieg that brought about the fall of France.

"More here."


Blogger lennardg said...

A US footbal stadium named after "Schneller Heinz" far out...

September 9, 2007 at 1:42 AM  

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