The Sarah Palin Half-Brewed-Scandal Summary

The Obama campaign wisely heeds the Laird's advice to hang back from attacking Palin.
But we don't have to.
Like last year's dog turds appearing when the snows of Alaskan winters finally melt, Sarah Palin's problems have only magnified over the weekend. I'm too lazy to do all the links: the sources are the New York Times, Daily Kos, TPM, and Andrew Sullivan's diary.
A. Pregnant Unwed Christian 17 year old Daughter issues:
- Did the Palin family explain that you can get pregnant the first time?
- Did they push her into having the child, and getting married for political reasons?
- Still not settled: the weird rumor about whether Trig Palin is absolutely and for sure Sarah Palin's son? Straightforward medical records would settle this (like you know, birth certificates,) but even then, why all the irresponsible behavior (flying all day from Texas to a tiny rural hospital?) I've been in that hospital. It's not where one would go for delivery of a problem pregnancy, especially not when you have to drive right by two real hospitals to do it.
- See video, below.
- She headed his 527 in 2005.
- She was for the Bridge to Nowhere before she was against it.
C. Sarah Palin was once apparently a member of the Alaska Independence Party, whose central goal is secession from the union.
- Gosh, Sarah, do you support firing on Fort Sumpter?
E. Sarah, why do you hate polar bears?
F. Lacking traction with the sportscaster angle, the RNC is playing up her experience as mayor of Wasilla, town that has no there at all. Seriously, try googling for images of Wasilla.
G. Evidence, any evidence at all, that Sarah Pallin has studied, read about, or expressed more than a sentence long opinion on international issues?
H. She said that she would oppose abortion even if her 14 year old daughter was raped. That opinion is extreme to say the least. And, btw, how old is Bristol's baby daddy?
I. NEW CNN, just now. She supports abstinence only sex ed. Now we see how this happened.
J. NEW She didn't have a passport until she had to go to Kuwait!
L. NEW CNN Already, trouble brews as the Republican Party flacks try to explain her record of standing up against endemic corruption- in the Republican Party.
M. NEW. CNN broils McCain Spokesman Tucker Bounds (what is it with Tuckers?) when he is unable to answer "can you name a single decision she made as head of the Alaska National Guard that qualifies her as Commander in Chief."
Thanks for the photo of the Wasilla City Hall/Drive-Thru Espresso Stand.
Wow, Wasilla's looking a lot better than I remembered it.
Anyway, this is from Highest Authority:
"Let me be as clear as possible," Obama said. "I think people's families are off-limits, and people's children are especially off-limits. This shouldn't be part of our politics. It has no relevance to Gov. Palin's performance as governor or her potential performance as a vice president."
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