January 10, 2009

We're fucked: discuss

In 1976 and again in 1992, the American people, tired of corrupt and authoritarian Republican rule, elected Democratic leadership in both Congress and the executive branch. And, in 1976 and 1992, the Democratic Party proceeded to self-destruct. In both cases, the ensuing orgy of incompetence and self-dealing brought about a counter-revolution led by the conservative wing of the Republican Party.

It is about to happen again, as every two-bit warlord in Congress is flexing and posturing. A few recent choice quotes:
  • Harry Reid is not going to be pushed around: "I do not work for Barack Obama. I work with him." - Harry Reid
  • The hell with Paul Krugman and Lawrence Summers and their talk of fiscal stimulus, Nancy Pelosi thinks it's time to raise taxes: "The opportunity calls for us in this country to invest in our children and their health and their education, and all of the -- to reduce the deficit, to reduce the deficit if we had those resources." - Nancy Pelosi
  • Charles Rangel wants political cover: “We did make it clear that where [Summers] thought that the part of the proposals made a lot of economic sense, he was going to have to help us in some kind of way to think of ways to interpret this for political reasons, because we are the salespeople for the president and this package,” Rangel said.
Krugman thinks we're screwed even if they pass the package being proposed, because the tax cuts water it down and it's already not big enough. A lot of smart people agree.

The Democrats are this close to fumbling the kickoff. Hold your breath, pray, smoke 'em if you got 'em. This could really, really suck.


Blogger JAB said...

Nope. Not fucked. At least not this way.

Here's why:

This asinine bellowing is largely interstitial braying - nothing means anything until the inaugural, a moment of historical power I expect will be so strong that this sort of pissy backbiting will not be sustainable. I don't expect a repeat of Sam Nunn in 1992 taking Clinton's balls to the bank over gays in the military (an instant and serious defeat for Clinton), because the will and the power really isn't there: Obama simply doesn't piss people off the way Clinton did.

2. The Democratic Party of 1976 was still a coalition of regulars and Dixiecrats, the later of whom were conservative, often racist, and ready to bolt - and this was true of sections of the Democratic party in the North. What we have here is a motivated, much more cohesive coalition.

The leadership that steps out of line- which reminds me, Diane Feinstein- STFU - doesn't have the power base or obstruction tools of the past. She just looks petty taking on the popular Lou Penata over the principle of needing a CIA insider.

Democratic Party bigwigs giving Obama guff are, I think, missing how this is going to work. The way you'll lose against Obama is not to lose a some sort of pissing contest- it's to find yourself standing there alone fuming while the parade has passed you by. And you'll be welcomed back in the parade once you're done bitching and can run to catch up- a key way of turning opponents into vested allies.

Carter was a technocrat. Clinton an operator. Obama is showing actual leadership, an ability to bring Americans to a national cause that few Democrats possess or even full understand; this is likely to be the dominate political driver- pity those that miss this.

Now, as to tax cuts...

January 10, 2009 at 1:38 PM  

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