Why Didn't I Procreate!

How sad. If only we had had kids, I could enroll them in this little program brought to you by the Boy Scouts of America and our fearless warriors on the border.
The Explorers program, which is affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America, is putting thousands of young people through intense training in a simulated environment...It fits right in with the honor and bravery of the Boy Scouts. -Felix Arce, 16
I like shooting them, Cathy told the newspaper. I like the sound they make. It gets me excited.
Another exercise involves a raid on a marijuana field. The Explorers were told how to restrain a defiant crop watcher. Put him on his face and put a knee in his back, a Border Patrol agent tells them.
I guarantee that he’ll shut up.
NY Times Article Here
This is about being a true-blooded American guy and girl... said A. J. Lowenthal, a sheriff’s deputy here in Imperial County, whose life clock, he says, is set around the Explorers events he helps run. It fits right in with the honor and bravery of the Boy Scouts.
Dude, you left out the best part!
"There have been numerous cases over the last three decades in which police officers supervising Explorers have been charged, in civil and criminal cases, with sexually abusing them."Oh yeah! Make my junior-fascism SEXY!
Speak, Memory.
My mother was my first troop leader so I don't often sit down to remember those times. But this post made me start.
I loved being in the scouts. Camping, fishing, collecting and naming leafs and rocks. Great fun.
But I also remember some very different activities. Ones that now seem surprisingly progressive.
In a town that was overwhelming white and Protestant, we must have visited, as a troop, about ten different houses of worship, including a synagogue, my own Catholic church and a couple of all-black churches.
We visited the home of a blind woman who taught us about braille and adapting.
We took a bus up to the VA hospital to learn what it was like to be stuck in a wheelchair.
We cleaned up trash in parks. Once a year we'd cook dinner in the school cafeterias for our fathers. We practiced stop-drop-and-roll and putting on bandages.
I think I'm getting old.
Fortunately, the President in Exile has produced a few spares.
This is such important work. We are so far behind the Chinese and Russians in paramilitary children's group activities it's not even funny.
Don't get too worried, the Explorers have the sexual-abuse problems relatively under control."Adult Explorer leaders are now required to take an online training program on sexual misconduct."
Problem: SOLVED!
(By comparison, as a manager in a company of over 50 employees in the State of California, I am required to have 2 hours of training on sexual harassment prevention every 2 years.)
Mommy, can I practice waterboarding after church today?
I'm struggling to find one right thing about this in a field of wrong...
I have to take online sex harassment training every year. I have learned so much...
Found it!
I knew Imperial County sounded familiar. It's got the 2nd highest employment rating of any county in CA.
Sorry, make that the 2nd highest in the nation, apparently.And we all know nothing bad comes from training impoverished kids in paramilitary operations.
And how to earn a little extra cash at Republican conventions!
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