From '95 'til now
The Chronicle tracks a Bayview kindergarten class from 1995 to the present in this feature. In some places, their teacher, Kanikah LeMon, would be recognized as the hero she is.

It's really a shame that there isn't more money available to get more great outcomes like this. But our society is terribly poor and the funds for better education just aren't there. In other news,
- The San Francisco 49ers plan to build a $1 bn stadium in Santa Clara (this has angered SF mayor Gavin Newsom, who might use city funds to sue the team)
- Allergan predicts that recession will drive down Botox sales below $1.3 bn this year.
- A movie about a hangover grossed $44 mm this weekend
Being stupid is one thing. Choosing to be stupid is just...what's the word I'm looking for?
A good friend of mine, a divorced mother of three who has completed 7 years of doctoral level work in education, excelled at it, did three years of student teaching at a huge economic loss, an intelligent and beautiful woman works harder than almost anyone I know, was just laid off from her first career gig.
Meanwhile, career track college level teaching is nearly dead. I've got piles of superb evaluations of my teaching and artwork and I have been working quarter to quarter for eight years, with the salary steadily declining.
Students ask me whether they should go into education. And for the privilege of hearing my opinion, it's not uncommon for them to be paying the equivalent of my entire salary for the year, EACH.
What the f--- am I supposed to tell them? Give up? Go work at Best Buy? Marry rich? Sell pharmaceuticals? Invest in the market- oh right.
I have a streak of hatred for baby boomers as a general group for dismantling fair tax structures, pissing selfishly on public education, and systematically unbuilding the career track in education- not to mention letting the labor movement die.
The social message was strong: only chumps teach.
It was thus that I took a special pleasure in the defeat of Hilary Clinton, who valued all this things, but ultimately rolled over for their destruction.
Late update - Governator decides the problem is: expensive textbooks.
Sooner of later the public education system will realize the problem is all those pesky students.
Get rid of those (and the teachers) and the school administration apparatchiks should be able able to do some impressive work with the meager budgets they are allotted.
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