April 16, 2010

I Don't Know...Maybe Slavery?

From Southern Political Report:
I ran a hypothesis test to determine if states left the Union to join the Confederacy over slavery, or whether that was more of a side issue.  I located the declarations of secession for four different states that were available: South Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi, and Texas.  

The word “slave” appears 82 times in these four state declarations.  The states even refer to themselves as “Slave-Holding States.”  I always thought that was a Northern term. On the other hand, the words “State’s rights,” “states’ rights” or “states rights” do not appear in any of these four secession declarations.  The word “rights” appears 14 times and “right” appears 32 times, but many of these references involve “the right to own slaves.”


Blogger JAB said...

We resolve herein to counter this fanciful modern knavery.

April 17, 2010 at 10:13 AM  

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