May 07, 2010

" If it's not one thing, or the other, it's a matter of degree." A Few Things I'm Pretty Sure Of By Now

1. Rocks are usually hard, whereas soft rock usually means bad music.
2. Amazing modern technology is great at solving some of the problems caused by amazing modern technology.
3. It's worth considering: the sounds of leaves falling.
4. Many things are both cute and dangerous: Bears. Baby Rhinoceroses. Germany.
5. Let no man may say: I didn't enjoy that nap.
6. Note carefully any argument whose real point is "this is a great thing for rich people," and ignore it.
7. Bullies are motivated by schadenfreude or cowardice. Aren't we all? Only quite a bit less.
8. Robots don't care, and even if we make them act like it, won't.
9. No point arguing about cupcakes.
10. I really like coffee. If there had never been any coffee, I wouldn't have missed it.
11. If it's not one thing, or the other, it's a matter of degree.
12. There aren't enough words for love in English.
13. Among the greatest pleasures: to create something where there was nothing, and to bring someone else's suffering to an end.
14. Those who deny things their moral value simply because of the pleasure they bring are my philosophical enemies.
15. Science is a very great good, but not when isolated from normative values.
16. I am alarmed by the rapid proliferation of apocalypse-enabling technologies, particularly the quiet ones, like the light-bulb and the internal-combustion engine.
17. Any economic system that can be destabilized by a typo needs reworking.
18. Does God exist? This interesting question is much less important than I thought it was.
19. It ain't no sin to be glad you're alive.
20. Be cautious of thinking only in aphorisms.


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