October 11, 2010

David Bomberg's parallel with the Post-60's Art World.

British painter David Bomberg was about 40 years ahead of his time in many respects, particularly the arch from highly innovative machine age abstraction back to traditional observational power - presaged partly by his experiences in WWI; where the embrace of the machine meant the embrace of the industrial murder that was the Western Front.

An amazingly advanced painting, particularly in color from the early period is In the Hold, above, 1912-1913. It's hard to argue that this is not all-over abstraction.

Sappers at Work, 1919, is part of his revaluation of
the figurative, but with that tremendous compositional strength of the interwar period.

He was all but ignored by the British art establishment, I suspect because his work is in exactly the reverse order of the story of 20th century innovation. He died in poverty. His work now easily reaches 1 million pounds.


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