Good times
As Toledo Public Schools teacher Amanda VanNess stood in the Oval Office and watched President Obama sign an education stimulus bill, she already knew she'd lost her teaching job back home to budget cuts and low seniority...
Well, one important consideration here is that we could bring in three Chinese teachers for the same price...
TPS hasn't spent a dollar of the $7.6 million in teacher rehire money it received from the Aug. 10 bill, opting instead to save it for next school year to rehire or retain a myriad school employees - probably not teachers.
But why dwell on the education of children? There's plenty of money for war re-enactments in Ohio, and they're certainly educational. Inspiring, even - who can forget SS Wiking's valor as the Russians surrounded them and destroyed all their vehicles and killed a third of their men in the Cherkassy Pocket? I get nostalgic just thinking of it...

Good times, good times.
Of course a lot of my family's originally from Ohio. We didn't have re-enactments back in the old days, when I'd go visit the farm. But my grandfather once told me that, back in World War I, they raised up some troops from the area to go fight in Europe. It was short conversation. "I don't think many of them came back," he said.
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