The Mighty Thor

I saw Thor tonight, in fabulous 2-D. I really liked it, probably more than it deserved for being great cinema, or anything. It was just a great movie adaptation of a comic book, which is as much as I can ask of it. A few things that stood out for me:
- I disbelieved that Natalie Portman was in this movie. I went so far as to convince myself that it was a young actress that resembled Natalie Portman. I thought Natalie Portman was above comic book movies. I was wrong.
- They did a pretty good job of explaining why/how Norse Gods were able to appear on Earth. (One man's wormhole is another man's Rainbow Bridge, apparently.)
- I love Sif and The Warriors Three!
- Speaking of The Warriors Three, it drove me nuts trying to figure out where I'd seen Ray Stevenson (Volstagg, far left) before. (Answer: Titus Pullo on HBO's Rome.)
- I really liked Idris Elba as Heimdallur, only partially because white supremacists hated it. (But it took all my self control not to yell out "Where's Wallace at?")
- It's no big spoiler to reveal that Thor spends most of the movie without any actual superpowers. He demonstrates how far you can get by on pure attitude.
This movie is good clean fun, and as such has my highest recommendation.
The trailer is a hit with the boys...
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