July 11, 2011

Murdoch: Where do we start?

First, allow me to rant at how under-reported this story is in the U.S. so far.

Second, here's why the News Corp scandal isn't going away.  It's been about a week, and all it took to start it again was Hugh Grant wearing a wire; it's already clear that News Corp has been engaging in a pattern of criminal, and highly offensive, actions, breaking into the voicemails of crime and possibly terror victims. Bribes were paid to the police in a number instances over different stories in different years. PM's communications director was already arrested and interviewed.

Now everyone with a grudge against Rupert Murdoch will be looking for dirt and lawsuits- he's suddenly seriously weak, possibly for the first time. I will hazard a guess this list is rather long, and not limited to underfunded righteous crusaders.  His son is likely to be arrested,  and every competitor has a strong economic, political, and even moral incentive to take him down.

This is a classic pile-on scandal - each revelation will lead to others, each will weaken News Corp more, and naturally it will be the cover-ups that turned error into crimes. Guessing here, I give them two weeks before there are a series of international police investigations opening, in the U.K., the U.S., and Europe.

Ok, as of now, I'm reading the following mostly referred from The Guardian's live update blog.

1. Anonymous is about to pounce on the Metropolitan Police for taking bribes. We'll see about that.
2. A lawsuit against News Corp has been filed in Delaware by a collection of investment funds and banks for a wide pattern of nepotism, mismanagement, and illegal behavior.
3. The London Times, NOT the tabloid, as well as other News Corp holdings, hacked former PM Brown's voicemail, and medical records, including, amazingly,  Murdochs' pet Irish Setter Rebekah Brooks revealing the cystic fibrosis diagnosis of his child to Gordon Brown in a phone call.
4. News Corps shares are dropping fast.
5. The Lib Dem/ Conser Coalition which is keeping David Cameron in power is in serious trouble.
6. There is growing evidence of police bribery from News Corp in many stories over ten years, including Buckingham Palace.
7. The 9/11 victims voicemail hacking/police bribery allegation is not confirmed. It is however, some evidence that News Corp engaged in criminal behavior in the U.S, and prods a possible U.S. investigation from NYC, as well as an SEC investigation related to overseas bribery by a U.S. company.
8. Lawsuits from celebrities, politicians and parents of murder victims - very angry people unlikely to be dissuaded by early settlements - against New Corp can be expected over illegal voicemail hacking and other criminal behavior.  Expect a very interesting discovery process.
9. James Murdoch is likely already on the hook.
10. The huge Satellite TV deal is likely over.
11. The Guardians numerous older stories on Murdoch's empire are rapidly being confirmed and connected.
12. It occurs to me that the News of the World staff, now fired, are 200 remorseless journalists with a new target, News Corp, and nothing better to do.


Blogger The Other Front said...

Our correspondents are monitoring developments closely. How closely? Pause this video around 1:43 and you should see a familiar blue-jeaned figure in the background.

You can run Rupert, but you can't hide.

July 12, 2011 at 1:09 AM  
Blogger Undersecretary to the Deputy Commissariat said...

Do you mean the taller of the two figures, the one our right, who is never seen distinctly?

I hope you gave your intrepid reporter some health insurance as a bonus.

July 16, 2011 at 1:56 PM  

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