Mushy Halibut Syndrome and You
The problem of Mushy Halibut Syndrome vexes sport fishers in Alaska, as their would-be firmly-fleshed halibut self-compost into a disagreeable pile of white gelatinous halibut pulp. The once-firm muscles of these would be delicious fish have pre-dissolved on the inside with some kind of necrotic disease that turns them into Picasso-eyed, jellied-flesh, halibut-shaped, muscle-less goo.
But IS Mushy Halibut Syndrome just a symptom of innocent Halibut? Has it somehow crept through food chain, and into HUMAN BEINGS? Just look at the scientific evidence:
These photos! This is Science, people: MUSHY HALIBUT SYNDROME is REAL!

This is still only a controversial theory.
Oops, I forgot to include Lisa Murkowski.
We can only pity these tragically deformed creatures.
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