Happy Birthday Bruce
Fools swear they wise, wise men know they foolish
It's not every day that you get to take a picture with a bald eagle, but two brothers in Sudbury did just that after rescuing the bird from a hunting trap.
Good for Mayor Emanuel. https://t.co/7zVUE2kcyz
— Harold Pollack (@haroldpollack) November 26, 2015
The truth: It's civilised here every day. I never saw a bookshop that didn't embody all that's best in civ. And I used to work at Borders!
— Kirkdale Bookshop (@KirkdaleBooks) November 26, 2015
You never know with Catsmeat. In one of his school reports, which I happened to see while prowling about the Rev. Aubrey Upjohn's study one night in search of biscuits, the Rev. Aubrey had described him as 'brilliant but unsound', and if ever a headmaster with a face like a cassowary rang the bell and entitled himself to receive a cigar or coco-nut, this headmaster was that headmaster.
Most wankers believe they are losers. https://t.co/VeWcWUAXkT pic.twitter.com/M6yJbXooph
— Bruce Bartlett (@BruceBartlett) November 25, 2015
At Phoenix is the next tough one. Then at Utah. Then at Toronto
— Marcus Thompson (@ThompsonScribe) November 23, 2015
Let's go Warriors fans. Get on the record. Who will beat the Warriors first?
I say at Toronto
— Marcus Thompson (@ThompsonScribe) November 23, 2015
Maccabi Tel Aviv. https://t.co/uJydnI8DPs
— Ray Ratto (@RattoCSN) November 23, 2015
Warriors are 39-1 in their last 40 games when they score at least 60 points in the 1st half
— ESPN Stats & Info (@ESPNStatsInfo) November 23, 2015
#lifehacks for pols:
Don't pay for sex.
Don't choke your mistress.
Don't tweet your privates.
Don't troll airport bathrooms.
— David Freddoso (@freddoso) November 22, 2015
Alaska’s problems go beyond oil prices. Federal funding has fallen since stimulus funds dried up after the recession, and the state’s influence in Washington has waned since the electoral defeat of longtime U.S. senator Ted Stevens in 2008. The prices of other natural resources, such as gold and salmon, have also declined. Most significantly, the state’s oil production has been falling for decades, dropping below 500,000 barrels per day in 2014 from a peak of more than 2 million barrels per day in the late 1980s.
RT @ThompsonScribe I’m calling it … Warriors ain’t winning this game pic.twitter.com/ZgusDVvMIT
— LOLKNBR (@LOLKNBR) November 20, 2015
Assistant Coach Jarron Collins on the pregame show right now on @KNBR!
— Tim Roye (@warriorsvox) November 20, 2015
There are various things we know are meaningless. Poll results before New Hampshire, for example. The regular season in hockey. And, of course, the first three months of the NBA season, usually.
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A man too egotistical and unstable to work as a CEO in the technology industry. |
Layout compares 2 translations of
7 propositions Wittgenstein's Tractatus,
although linebreaks a bit off
#typography pic.twitter.com/MEFKK2bVK0
— Edward Tufte (@EdwardTufte) November 19, 2015
I quite agree with this article about how Apple has lost sight of good design principles. But grey san serif type on a white background? Physician heal thyself.
[T]he [Bush] group’s chief strategist has boasted of his willingness to spend as much as $20 million to damage Mr. Rubio’s reputation and halt his sudden ascent in the polls, according to three people told of the claim.
Cake Prince. pic.twitter.com/ny0gUv7AJE
— Brian Bilston (@brian_bilston) November 7, 2015
.@JebBush "Right to Rise" Super Pac reported to https://t.co/3Jy9VUmeDp today spending $6666566.00 for National Cable Media buy on #FoxNews
— Lynn Sweet (@lynnsweet) November 7, 2015
[T]hanks to an influx of Disney movies as a child, I knew exactly what was happening here: The mother was the one drowning, and the father was one who did not give a fuck. It was Bambi, but with mammoths...
King Lear is “not apocalyptic, it is far worse,” writes Fintan O’Toole https://t.co/uJkHyVzddK
— NY Review of Books (@nybooks) November 5, 2015
I will fight to support the Oxford comma until I draw my last breath. pic.twitter.com/Y0T6c3F4iI
— Alexander MacDonald (@alex_macdonald) April 30, 2015
Harvard Business School researchers have apparently determined that sarcasm, especially when it has a sharp edge to it, represents the "highest form of intelligence."
Life expectancy doesn't tell you how LONG people live
— NassimNicholasTaleb (@nntaleb) November 4, 2015
Many people keep boasting that we tend to live longer than our ancestors using the misinterpreted measure of life expectancy.
49ers safety. But on 1st down...somebody's open. pic.twitter.com/0dsZNsUDUP
— CSN 49ers News (@CSN49ers) November 1, 2015
I was thinking about this chart in my car today, on the way back from the coffee shop.
Bottom line: People in their 50s are totally brilliant https://t.co/NfMb8X8iT8 pic.twitter.com/iGEtauOE2C
— Justin Fox (@foxjust) October 29, 2015
What might have been and what has been
Point to one end, which is always present.
Footfalls echo in the memory
Down the passage which we did not take
Towards the door we never opened
Into the rose-garden. My words echo
Thus, in your mind.
The river is within us, the sea is all about us;
The sea is the land's edge also, the granite,
Into which it reaches, the beaches where it tosses
Its hints of earlier and other creation:
The starfish, the horseshoe crab, the whale's backbone;
The pools where it offers to our curiosity
The more delicate algae and the sea anemone.
It tosses up our losses, the torn seine,
The shattered lobsterpot, the broken oar
And the gear of foreign dead men.