January 31, 2018

King Kirby

I recommend this fine book. From the introduction by Neil Gaiman:

And it's the Iggy Pop and the Stooges title from 1973 that I think of when I think of Jack Kirby.  The album was called Raw Power, and that was what Jack had, and had in a way that nobody had before or since.  Power, pure and unadulterated, like sticking knitting needles into an electrical socket... 
Jack Kirby created part of the language of comics and much of the language of super hero comics.  He took vaudeville and made it opera.  He took a static medium and gave it motion.  In a Kirby comic the people were in motion, everything was in motion.  Jack Kirby made comics move, he made them buzz and crash and explode.  And he created... 



Blogger VMM said...

Yeah, he was the best.

February 2, 2018 at 5:21 PM  

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