June 04, 2018

X Company: A Fine Canadian WWII Show

Just a recommendation for the fairly excellent, Mission Impossible style WWII Canadian edition show X Company, slightly low rent, but really engaging, with a fun group of a bit beyond stock characters, with lots of touches of emotionally charged realism, and an entertaining reminder that Nazis were really terrible people.  Like a lot of great shows , the unbelievable parts are often the most historic.  I spent of a lot of  time thinking: "But that means they would have to.. oh God."

Some cheese, but without it it would be too brutal.  The gruesomeness is alluded too, and there's a lot of the best thing: high stakes dinner parties.  Extra points for centering on women who do things like leap on burning tanks and shooting Nazis inside with sidearms, and pushing back on their (epically) dysfunctional relationships with SS General Dad.

Production's over, but recommended. Digestible nazi-shooting fun with a good side dose of we're not exactly innocent either.