January 26, 2004


One interesting thing about blogging is that authors can shoot back immediately at reviewers, which Easterbrook does today:

"The reviewer complains that the economic mechanisms Western nations use to produce material abundance should have been stressed. Western economic theory was not stressed because--brace yourself--the book is about something else. How the Western system produces high standards of living would be a plenty interesting topic for, let's say, a book whose subject is how the Western system produces high standards of living. The Progress Paradox concerns another subject, namely, why people live better all the time, yet are no happier. " 'This book fails to be about a different topic'--The Washington Post." Hmm, maybe Random House can use that as a blurb."

[Blogback is an EXCELLENT NAME for a blog, BTW-PWP]
[Unfortunately taken: http://blogback.blogspot.com/ -MoF ]


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