January 27, 2004


I figured our iron wit and dry minds would have put us at the top of the "Blogs of Note" list by now, but no. Our mistake, I surmise, is that we are too ordinary, too conventionally ironic, too caught up in the same things as everyone else. How can we get move away from the pack and get some attention here, while maintaining our coy anonymity? We need everyone's best thinking on this.

[And now here is the precise limitation, and ultimately exhaustion, of post-modernism; you can only distance yourself so far, perform so many aerobatics of language and twist and irony, before you confront again being, making, understanding. Fail this, never escape from a self-generating spiral of squeezed-out semiotics, and you risk becoming a literary Carrottop.

The incredibly dense saturation of media information, let alone its substance, tends to blot out the legitmacy of our individual experiences, which always fail in scale and resolution of style compared to the cultural products of the information industry. Irony and distance is no real defense (it can easily be branded and sold) , although it is the beginning of necessary reflection, and done well, a welcome, hilarious respite. The viable reaction is to pull from this and to put into it honest and intelligent particularities - if you paint, for obvious example, you ask yourself what have you never seen before- not in the sense of totally new in appearance but in the specifics of what you are actually seeing and discovering within the process of making. This holds identically for writing, even writing doo-dads for this doo-dad kind of internet town, to paraphrase Dorothy Parker.

What will stand out is the crystalline doo-dad, the news bit that informs all news, the joke that opens all jokes.

-PWP ]

[Alternatively, I could post pictures of my breasts. They're pretty nice, as breasts go, and I've got two of them, one on either side of my sternum. CSG]

[Well, Google reports 6,890,000 instances of the word "breasts" on the Internet, and 74,900 images. The Net is saturated with filth like this and this, so despite the kind offer I'm not sure it's a valid point of differentiation... -MoF]

[Interestingly enough, the words "tits" on Google occurs 18,700,000 times, nearly three times as often as "breasts." Draw your own conclusions, or your own breasts, if you have a pencil, and breasts. -PWP]


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