March 18, 2004


Like many folks from West Virginia, I have kin serving in the military. One of my relations, on leave from Iraq, says the rumor in the National Guard is if Bush is re-elected, we will go to war in North Korea.

About 35,000 US troops, most from the 2nd Infantry Division of the Eighth Army are stationed in South Korea, along with about 500,000 South Korean troops. The North Korean army of about 1.2 million are still being fed regularly and probably 70% of them are between Pyongyang and the DMZ, which is about 100 miles from the capital.

[I've heard this from other friends of military, too. NK supposedly has 10,000 long-range artillery pieces aimed at Seoul, assuming they haven't traded all their shells for food. This will not make you feel better. -MoF ]

[Morale must be through the roof! What do we call it? Korean War II? Operation Seoul Coughing? -PWP]


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