May 07, 2004


Or "asynchronous communication" from the Old English Computer Glossary, which includes amusing equivalents for "Computer aided design" and "daisy chain." I also enjoy the Old English Time and Date.

A thought - could we use Old English as a language alternative when English-Only laws pass?

PS- what happened to Dr. X's poach?

[You know how when you sit down to copy a Monet, and you finish it, and look at it, and it doesn't look like a Monet even though you've been looking right at one, and it just sucks? And you rip it up and hope no one ever sees it? That's what happened to it. - Dr. X]

[Well, the last time I copied a Monet (Impression: Sunrise) , in high school, it turned out well. I made the absurd conclusion that therefore it would be easy to learn how to paint, like making my way through Moonlight Sonata qualified me as Beethoven. I knew nothing but monkey-copy, the essential error I've found repeated in the more ego-centric students, like, of course, myself. This point came up years later in the Portland Art Museum when, looking at a truly magnificent, enormous late Monet, culmination of the life's work of arguably the greatest painter in history, when the Most Perfect Jackass (complete with Coors cap, my mind likes to tell me) loudly declaimed, in unmitigated dumbshit cliche: "Fhhhfff- I could do that." Fortunately, this kind of seamless fuckheaded-ness has been rare in my exhibition-going, and I didn't have a loaded Colt at the time.

Also please note certain limitations of practical computer imaging in the unbelievable variation in color of the same painting on the google image search. Yes, you can correct it, but to what exactly? A knotty problem.

" I believe that the only really good laugh you get the laugh you get from a Professional Comedian. "-Steve Martin - PWP]

[I actually had a similar experience when I was studying poetry (or as the mandarins in the Vassar English Dept. called it: "verse"). I discovered I could put together credible imitations of strong technicians like Pope and Browning, and, like you, assumed that it was just a hop, skip, and jump to artistic accomplishment. I'd heard Yeats was good, so read some of his stuff, sat down to imitate it, and got a schoolin'. Go ahead, give it a try, we'll wait. The death-blow came when I proposed as my creative thesis an epic poem with an accompanying novel in the form of scholarly footnotes, only to be informed that Nabokov had done it. - Dr. X]


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