
New work, Untitled oil/board 22" by 48" (c) Jamie Bollenbach 2004
Arctic imagery is certainly popping up in my work- both these paintings start out as a color pallette and a smoothing tool. But the imagined quality - these are not copied or observed from any source - is important. This is the idea of the Arctic as a setting for figurative marks and movements.
Unfortunately there is only a hint of it's true color here - particularly in the "water," which is a set of deep green, blue and even crimson glazes. The painting is a little higher contrast, and lighter and much richer in the range of blues, greens, and purples in person. The vertical marks also stand out much more.
I really like these paintings. I'm liking the direction your work is taking, lately.
When you come down to SF next, I'll have to get your help choosing the right colors for Ice-assin's super suit.
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