October 18, 2004

I Could Read It All Night

Dana Stevens / Liz Penn says:

"...You'd be hard-pressed to ask for more entertaining television than Friday's live smackdown. Stewart's naked appeal to his hosts to 'please stop, stop, stop. Stop hurting America,' had a loopy, apocalyptic power. It burned a hole in the screen, like Peter Finch as the crazed anchorman in Network, bellowing, 'I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore.'

"A while back, I called Jon Stewart the 'court jester' of this election. But he may be more like the fool in King Lear, speaking brutal truth to a king who is already too far gone to hear it. Sure, Stewart's job is to make us laugh, not to lecture us. But as Lear's fool asked, 'May not an ass know when the cart draws the horse?' "

More here.


Blogger VMM said...

What should not be surprising is those Crossfire scamps feeling the need to "spin" this, too. I wonder if it has occurred to any of them to say, "Maybe he's right..."

Theodoric of York: [ steps toward the camera ] Wait a minute. Perhaps she's right. Perhaps I've been wrong to blindly folow the medical traditions and superstitions of past centuries. Maybe we barbers should test these assumptions analytically, through experimentation and a "scientific method". Maybe this scientific method could be extended to other fields of learning: the natural sciences, art, architecture, navigation. Perhaps I could lead the way to a new age, an age of rebirth, a Renaissance!
[ thinks for a minute ]

October 19, 2004 at 8:12 AM  

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