April 27, 2005

Good Book

Favorably blurbed by the estimable Malcolm Gladwell, I've started in on Freakonomics and declare it a big success. Support human intelligence, buy a copy today. ****


Blogger JAB said...

Us what is done schooled up in the other social sciences, however undergraduately, traditionally level the criticism at economics that it was still a pre-paradigmatic science that thought it was the first pardigmatic social science, like that most gnarly of combinations, the high-maintenance girlfriend that thinks she's low maintenance. T-R-U-B-I-L.

Up in the poli sci secret headquarters (outfitted with green velvet walls, Playboy bunnies, and an infinite supply of cognac) we lamented the decline of the study of Political Economy, dropped finally from Harvard -if memory serves -in the eighties. Political Science is the study of the production and behavior of power, economic production, consumption and capital is a form of power, both will open phenomena to statistical analysis, both while distinct are ultimately inextricable.

(I think money itself is a kind of naturalistic statistical analysis. Which is why I don't have more of it.)

Economic writers who get this, and understand that humans have non-rational motivations as well, are always welcome.

Does this make me a Marxist?

April 27, 2005 at 8:30 PM  

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