Guess who I ran into while getting drunk?

Okay, not nearly as cool/famous as Jesse L. Martin.
Still nice to see the man
a) Drinking inside my corner bar
b) Smoking outside my corner bar
Alas, I didn't have the guts to walk up to him and say "Who do I have to kill to get your job?"
For those who don't know, Adam Savage is the co-host of the Discover Channel series Mythbusters.
If you don't watch this show, I pity you.
A fine show, possibly my favorite- what cable was supposed to be. In my tv fantasy land they run a political economy version of Mythbusters, with explosions.
Speaking of tv fantasy, I would have preferred running into the lovely Carrie, the Mythbusters artist/assistant upon whom I have one of primary TV crushes (right there with Juliya, the thrash metal chick on Fuse, or Polly on Fawlty Towers). I know, too much information.
My only celebrity story? Secondhand reports of Bon Jovi's new (yes it's horrible) cd from my friend Sara's rock producer boyfriend. Bleah, if somewhat hilarious.
I'm a cowboy. On a steel horse I ride.
I clicked on your link and read "his sculptures have been showcased in over 40 shows in San Francisco, New York and Charleston, W.V."
Charleston WV? One of these things is not like the other. Why Charleston, the state capitol and spitting distance from my home town? Unless there's a weird celebrity confluence going on and I am its epicenter. Only reasonable explanation.
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