June 28, 2005

Curioser and Curioser

"Because of the clout of Alaska's congressional delegation, namely Don Young, chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, and US Sen. Ted Stevens, little national debate has occurred over the necessity for the rural transportation projects in Alaska compared to other highway needs in far more populous regions of the Lower 48.

"Alaska, population 630,000 gets $6 in subsidies for every $1 it pays to the federal treasury - making it the most heavily subsidized state in the country."


Blogger JAB said...

Sirs -

I am dismayed and appalled at the extant to which us hard-working Democrats here in states like California and Washington are shoveling our hard earned money to these Blue-Eyed Red-Meat Know-Nothing Alaskans who squeal like the Sheriff of Nottingham is coming after their Land Rover every time someone suggests that since they are the overwhelming recipients of this apparantly spontaneous cash tornado perhaps they should consider giving a tiny part of it back. As an alternative, they heap sneering contempt and libelous insults on anyone who dares speak against this ongoing daily show at 3 federal train robbery, and on us as American cities and communities, and send their expressions of total contempt in the form of uncontested votes for the most muddled, arrogant sheep dip-for-brains neo-nazi cokehead with a plastic cowboy hat ever cooked up with pork stew and evil dumplings in the back room at Halliburton. I, for one, am thoroughly outraged, and the next Psycho Christo-Greedhead Alaskan I see who asks directions to the gas station will find themselves sandwiched uncomfortably between Very Filthy Betty and Early Release Gertie in the nastiest hyper-butch lesbian bar I can think of at that particular moment, begging for a 7-Up.

I remain,

Ever faithfully Yours,
Major Stanley Tuffle (ret.)

June 29, 2005 at 8:11 PM  

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