June 17, 2005

Girls Got Downing Street Memo

In the assorted dust-ups over the Downing Street memo that with the political weakening of Bush are growing into a proper hoo-hah, I wonder why we didn't even mention it here, except indirectly, and whether those reasons are shared by nerf-spined editors or are another creature entirely.

Here, I think we all assumed that it was pretty well established that the Adminstration made shit up to go to war, (or MASUTOGOTOW) a part of the fabric of unnecessary to state truisms, like CG is somewhat unsatisfying or Paul Lynde was gay. It would be, like Dr. Jerkoff in Flesh Gordon, saying with a deep breath "good- there's oxygen on this planet. "

With relentless, witty left wing ranting, fact revealing, and unapologetic assaults on our opponents' manhoods (or what I like to call, The Way) , the media are reporting how amazing it was they didn't report on it. This may have happened under direct White House pressure on media organizations, who have caved like a coal mine propped up with Barbie dolls- that, not the original treasonous, cynical lying about war and peace and the death of tens of thousands, is likely to be the scandal.

And here is where Bush's anemic polls come into play. There's blood in the water, and the media do not miss a shark feeding. They have been cowards, and they may try to prove their challenged courage by pouncing on weakness.


Blogger JAB said...

Quite. I too, was sucked in by the possibility that Hussein was out to get us, or more exactly Israel, with nukes - I wasn't exactly pro-war, but for some idiotic reason I still had some slight faith in these evil clowns. They effectively dangled the possibility of secret righteousness lurking amidst the secret intelligenc.

Excepting where the possibility of it's survival is actually at stake, secrecy poisons and weakens democracies. And this administration values secrecy above all.

I no longer believe they have the as a primary interest the protection of the actual American people - they want power for specific individuals and institutions and wealth concentrating principles and do what ever they can think of to further this agenda.

9/11 was a primary example - the guilty principals, at the very least LOCATED in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iran were avoided all for the sake of invading Iraq. Even Afganistan looks less like righteous vengence and more like pre-positioning.

It's not exactly a war for oil - it's almost worse. It seems to be a war for further concentration of power.

I saw the 9/11 Power of Pride flag sticker today, and was thinking more along the lines of the Sting of Shame.

June 17, 2005 at 3:51 PM  

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