Bob Hope and Karl Rove
I am presented with a small problem on how exactly to insult Karl Rove, because of that particular class of clove-pitted Georgia ham ugly people - say Noriega or Tom Delay -that actually deserve to look as repulsive as they do, he's one I cannot bear to actually look at. So I was having trouble deciding what image to post in reference - someone antithetical, someone close?

Not Karl Rove* Not Karl Rove*
Some possibilities.
Finally I settled naturally enough on Ethel Merman.
Karl Rove, Singing Like A Muscians' Union Canary
The parallels are as obvious as the contrasts- Ethel Merman was a very loud singer, but clearly not a traitor to the United States for the narrow interests of a dangerous, dissembling, self-serving and kleptocratic political faction, nor a builder of institutional proto-fascism, nor the instigator of a crude cunning politics that might make the planet Earth uninhabitable.
*NOTE: Although often confused with but not Karl Rove, both Gothmog and Britney Spears are on the Short List of Supreme Court Nominations. Yet it is true that Gothmog and Rove have never been seen in the same room at the same time.
Writing from my outpost near Washington, D.C., let me add another intriguing tidbit. Sources close to the White House report hearing the following excerpt from "Rose's Song" from the 1962 Sondheim musical "Gypsy" emanating from a particular West Wing office:
"Why did I do it?
What did it get me?
Scrapbooks full of me in the background.
Give 'em love and what does it get ya?
What does it get ya?
One quick look as each of 'em leaves you.
All your life and what does it get ya?
Thanks a lot and out with the garbage,
They take bows and you're battin' zero. "
No report if bitter weeping accompanied the refrain "everything's coming up Roves's this time for me!
For me! For me! For me! For me! For me! For me! Yeah!"
We will continue to follow developments.
Capital, capital!
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