August 21, 2005

If You Love Freedom, Resign, W, Resign

Not that this will happen. But it's a point worth raising - if the major figures of the administration behind this corrupt and regularly botched war resigned, America might just have a chance of political and military victory in Iraq. Rice, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Feit- OUT.

Bush's resignation from the presidency would create several conditions that might help. First, restoration of international respect necessary to form an global effort to replace the American occupation. It cannot happen now, because occupation was the primary neo-con purpose for the invasion. I am convinced that they will lose is this war before abandoning the idea of positioning forward American bases in the Middle East, and this obsession obscured competent political and military judgement from the begining.

Second, one major lesson from Vietnam had little to do with Vietnam itself: an American government, when dominantly cynical and corrupt, cannot indefinitely sustain an essentially imperial war in a democracy, at least not one of this scale. The hollownesss creeping into and cracking open the national psyche is identical in character to the Nixon years, for the same reasons, and then like now, it is attributable to the incessant dissembling and arrogance and ambition of the administration.

We can convince the world of nothing in this sorry political state. With the reason-a-day war and constant insistence of the truth of patent falsehoods, our credibility is totally shot - and the credibility of the dominant power is one thing absolutely necessary for rebuilding another nation. Resignation would make rebuilding our international credibility possible, though far from certain. And resignation might allow America to rebuild some kind of reasonable national political consensus.

Resign, President Bush. Resign now and Iraq might avoid civil war. Resign now and we will save American and Iraqi lives.

But to W., of course, it's most important that he get on with his life.


Blogger JAB said...

There are no easy answers now, indeed. But whatever they might be, it will boil down to massive international involvement or awkward withdrawal.

I can conceive of a decent outcome with this situation, but not with this US government; today again on NPR, an administration flunky was rejecting outright- in somewhat coded language- a Republcan Senator's suggestion that we have to at least make it clear to Iraqis that US troops will eventually leave.

It cuts back to the motivation for the war, which seems to be strategic but foolishly obstinate.

It is correct to call this a cultural struggle. The problem was - too late - that you must abandon the Bush team's military strategic objectives in order to have any chance of suceeding culturally, and here is where reliance on super weapons and systems rather than boots is ruining this effort.

In other words, we might have won arriving and influencing as Americans, in our best Clintonian gregariousness, but never as deadly techo-warriors huddling in zones and bases and terrifying citizens on our increasingly rare excursions.

That is very much like Vietnam.

August 22, 2005 at 12:00 PM  

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