August 27, 2005

My Hopes Are Not High

One would think that after five years of continual ass-whipping, the Democratic Party of California would be thinking through its priorities. So, after looking over our state, its moribund public education, its comically regressive property tax policy, the horrific conditions of the poor and homeless in San Francisco and LA, Attorney General Bill Lockyer (who want to be governor) has identified an enemy we can all line up against: French Fries.

You see, apparently most people don't know fried foods are bad for you. This leads to obesity and higher healthcare costs when they get diabetes and heart attacks. I can almost buy it, except for a few problems:

1) Warning labels? Since when has a warning label ever successfully discouraged people from doing something they wanted to do?

2) It's kind of hard to read a warning label if you can't fucking read.

3) Let's say the labels work. I'll bet you'll still have a bunch of fat people because in most of California you can't go to the fucking bathroom without getting in your car and driving there. Seriously, go out to Hercules or Sacramento, set your odometer to zero, and see how far you have to drive to get to a Safeway.

I have no love for Governor von Muscledick and his doomed agenda, but it's important to understand that even though his approval rating is low, the California Assembly's approval rating is even lower.

This state has serious problems. A real Democrat would think about how to better plan our cities, feed the poor, educate children, and improve healthcare. If this is the best Lockyer can do, he deserves our deepest contempt. An idiot Democrat is the GOP's best friend.


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