September 02, 2005

Krugman Says It Better Than Me

I am once again not at all shocked that Krugman has a more thorough and righteous take on this than me.

Paul Krugman fires a round. The editorials get in on it.

Even, gasp, David Brooks warns Bush indirectly. Pony up or face, er, class consciousnes.

The NYT deserves a lot of criticism, (Iraq strangely comes to mind) but it's mostly for when it fails its own abilities. If we lost them, I don't know if there is another big paper with the sheer force -and not too infrequent will- to push forward the truth in this climate.


Blogger JAB said...

What on earth?

A Bellingham republican apologist?

September 2, 2005 at 6:56 PM  
Blogger VMM said...

You just don't understand Tim's point. I look to the New York Times to be totally stunned and amazed, and their reporters and op-ed columnists should stick to relating their total stunned amazed-ness to us. I, as a reader, am completely uninterested in whether this could have been prevented, or if the government did enough to prevent the flood, or is doing enough to stem the tide of looting and property damage (oh, and death, pestilence, deprivation, and despair).

Just because the (left-leaning) Army Corp of Engineers and (those eco-nazis at) FEMA had been whining for years about potential disaster if a hurricane hit New Orleans is no excuse for these so-called "journalists" to neglect their duty to stare, mouth agape, and report, "Wow! That was something. Go figure!" That, friends, is what every true American knows as "intellectual honesty."

September 2, 2005 at 10:05 PM  

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