Enough Republican Thuggery!

I've had it with these clowns and their goons.
(By the bye: why didn't this guy run for president in 2004?)
I want to strongly caution us from counting our congress seats before the election. If we miss the tide on Tuesday, we will blow this opportunity. There's going to be a squeaker in the Washington Senate race, and we've got a 1st-rate fucktard in the East Bay who needs lose his congressional district (to this man), but it's going down to the wire.
"So it's every hand to his rope or gun, quick's the word and sharp's the action."
Dr. X posts this from the Zero Tolerance Department at the Kwai Chang Caine Institute for Violently Retaliatory Pacifism:
"Senator Allen says: 'things like that happen.'
"George Orwell says: 'Almost any person would accept bully as a synonym for fascist.'
"Oh, and he isn't just an ex-Marine, he's a law student. And he's pressing charges."
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