December 04, 2006

No Medal For You

Dr. X posts this from the War College of Amsterdam:

"The Dutch are planning to give an insignia to their troops who served at Srebrenica. This has been criticized, but it can take its place with other insignia of honor, such as the "Merde! nous sommes entourés!" plaques issued to Dien Bien Phu survivors, the Alfred E. Neuman buttons given to Bay of Pigs veterans, and the helicopter-illustrated whoopie cushions given to participants in Operation Honey Badger.

"Seriously, this was a military cluster-fuck of amazing proportions by modern western standards (although it is not in the top 1000 all-time, as every single one of those is from the Eastern Front in WWII).

"You know why we don't taunt weak NFL defenses by calling them 'Dutch Peacekeepers'? Because it's too insulting."


Blogger JAB said...

Standing up against genocide - too often confused for standing next to genocide.

December 5, 2006 at 9:09 AM  

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