April 29, 2007

Competence and a Good Massage

Dr. X posts this from Top Notch VIP in Cupertino:

"I was saddened to see an apparently experienced and competent executive banished from public service last week over...oh Christ, are you kidding me? He supported U.S. policies that forced overseas organizations to not help prostitutes? He opposed AIDS initiatives? Oh for God's sake. What...a...maroon.

"This is so sad. Why do the Republicans hate infrastructure? Handed a perfectly good financial market, they corrupt it so badly that the IPO trade starts moving to Europe. Given a potent and effective volunteer army, they promptly engage in policies tailor-made to degrade it. And now, now, NOW they are undermining our nation's ability to have attractive young women deliver massages and companionship to rich ugly men who would otherwise have to spend time with their wives.

"I say: stop the madness!"


Blogger JAB said...

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April 29, 2007 at 10:24 PM  
Blogger JAB said...

It's getting complicated. I suggest we begin naming these Bush era atrocities with a letter/number system.

A two letter code for the type of misconduct (in this case illegal sex and direct hypocrisy in policy) which is I'm guessing instance number 12,234, if you go by the estimate of the madam involved, so this might be coded:

XHP 12234. Hopefully this or another system comes in handy when we arrest these grim bootlickers en masse.

April 29, 2007 at 11:35 PM  

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