Gasoline Engines! That's so Cute.
Although it was not two days ago when I met a paraplegic fellow out on the hiking trail in his electric chair explaining his 7-month coma injury in two words: Yamaha 1100 (a brand emphasized rather than obscured by the thick accent of serious head trauma, said, and bikers will understand this, with the note of pride that it took an 1100 cc engine to take you down), I reflect today that gasoline engines for motorcycles are so 20th century.

This electric bike, the Killacycle, with nano-tech batteries, does, what was it? 0-60 in 1.5 seconds.
The video, with a long buildup, has a Benny Hill quality to it.
Like the Tesla Roadster, I am convinced that making electric motors inarguably superior, and in beautiful form like the Tesla, is the key to popularizing them.

While the killacycle (at least if it's the one I remember) posts an impressive 1/4 mile time it also posts a disappointing max range:
Slightly over 1/4 mile.
Please, leave our motorcycles be. They already post mileage figures that would make a Prius owner green (haha) with envy.
Yeah, hands off our bikes, you tree-hugging oppressor!
What's next? Hitler Day?
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