Booking a Ticket on the Blazers Bandwagon

In case you missed it: the once-mighty Portland Trailblazers drafted Greg Oden, the most promising big-man since Tim Duncan came into the league ten years ago. On the same day, they cleaned house, including sending their forward/scofflaw Zach Randolph to the Knicks for a couple of solid role-players. Pundits put the Blazers two years from championship contention, but they are clearly headed in that direction.
The Oklahoma/Seattle Supersonics got their franchise player, too, in forward Kevin Durant, but traded their backcourt all-star Ray Allen to the Celtics for another forward picked fifth in this year's draft, Jeff Green, apparently in the theory that you can compose a team entirely of forwards. Art Thiel called the Sonics rebuilding moves "a demolition," but other league pundits were more generous.
The Sonics as an organization- now owned by the same unmitigated dickwad that funded the Swift Boat attacks on Kerry, are not only morally bankrupt goons blackmailing the city of Seattle, they just plain suck, and have done so for years now - After leaving because their twelve-year old stadium built at public expense doesn't orally pleasure them while they're seated in the luxury boxes, the organization took recently to trying to hand out tickets for $10 on the street, (an I offer turned down, with unfortunate consequences for the poor girl handing them out, as this very rant was fresh in my mind.)
Bennett showed up at the beginning blubbering that no one in Seattle believed him when he said he would try to keep the team in town. Is there anything, anything at all, in this world less charming than a whining, lying, right-wing Billionaire with poor body odor?
Ok, that last bit is merely speculation - but who tells billionaires they have hygiene issues?
Dr. X posts this from Oracle Arena:
"Portland and Seattle are going to be very good. It is a measure of how far the Warriors have to go that they could get Kevin Garnett (the hot rumor) and still would not be one of the top teams in this division."
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