The "F" Rating

The image of Italian Dictator Benito Mussolini, left, has been previous determined to be an effective iconic representation of these components of personality and political ideology. This matrix may include but is not limited to aggressive centralization of corporate/state/military power elites, simple megalomania, history of assaults on fundamental legal freedoms in a constitutional democracy, work towards cultural "cleansing", a desire to annex the Sudatanland, or suspiciously snappy outfits.
The F rating system awards little Mussolini heads, representing the degree to which the F word describes the person on a scale of 1 to 10. Tests have determined that the system is both utterly capricious and highly accurate.
For example,

Rudy Giuliani receives 6 Mussolinis on the ten point scale, for such things as his fear-mongering, his anti-constitutional support of obsessive-compulsive state security, his mildly insane autocratic style; however, he appears in drag so often one cannot take his autocratic cravings with unlimited seriousness. This is why, for example, Goering would only receive a "9."

This is also not limited to political figures. To the left is Mark Mays, CEO of Clear Channel, a part of the U.S. Culture Industry that has monopolized and strip-mined music culture, production and distribution in the United States, laying waste to the vibrancy, individuality and creativity of American emotions and dreams.
Mark Mays, CEO of Clear Channel

A "two" on the F scale might reflect a strong touch of self-righteous sadism.

Points off for helping to democratize information access, while still working to subvert it by creating synergistic censoring partnerships with dictatorships who imprison dissidents, all while building vast data-mining networks that promise an end to human privacy, and with it, human autonomy.

Some are obvious; on occasion, the scale does go to eleven.
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