Swiss Army Knife Porn

I must recommend this new man-size Swiss Army Knife - with the 4" locking blade. The bigger size for the grip and locking blade gives it tremendous safety and confidence in use.
Showing it off in the coffee shop yesterday* the comment was: "Now you will have everyone's respect."
And when you are stripping a branch, it's great for cutting your thumb so cleanly that it heals right away.
*Useful as it is, to the extent of potentially saving your life in a survival situation, the Swiss Army Knife's primary purpose is to be shown off. People try to show off Leatherman tools, but the aesthetics are all wrong. It's like showing off a Phillips screwdriver. Swiss Army Knives are far sexier.
My best example was in my first week as a graduate teaching Assistant to the Artist Ann Gale. A student asked about the use of a traditional thumb-hole kidney-shaped artist's palette. There wasn't one around. I whipped out my last Swiss Army knife, with that awesome saw, and within 4 minutes had cut a pretty passable palette out of a piece of masonite, complete with thumbhole, had shaved off the rough edges with the blade, and primed the surface in linseed oil. Suitably impressed (partly because I hadn't suddenly stabbed the student in question) the Art Department subsequently hired me for every TA position for which I applied: an art career was launched. I owe it all to my Swiss Army Knife!
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