November 15, 2007

Finally, they found a novel use for E8!

The First Sea Lord brought the solving of E8 to our attention a while back.

Well, apparently a hipster / surfer / mathematician / genius has found an interesting use for it:

"All fields of the standard model and gravity are unified as an E8 principal bundle connection. A non-compact real form of the E8 Lie algebra has G2 and F4 subalgebras which break down to strong su(3), electroweak su(2) x u(1), gravitational so(3,1), the frame-Higgs, and three generations of fermions related by triality. The interactions and dynamics of these 1-form and Grassmann valued parts of an E8 superconnection are described by the curvature and action over a four dimensional base manifold."

Or in plain English: An Exceptionally Simple Theory of Everything

All I can think to say is "Suck it, String Theorists!"


Blogger JAB said... has TESTABLE HYPOTHESES!

I also just want to say I really, really like the phrase "Suck It, String Theorists."

November 15, 2007 at 9:54 PM  
Blogger JAB said...

On reflection, I have additional commments:

1) I got a "C" in calculus. And I don't even surf.

2) I am given to understand that most theoretical physics grad students have been pushed into string theory at the risk of the careers, when they clearly should have been off shredding somewhere, rather than dedicating their lives to the two-plank wankers of 11th dimensional space.

3) Nonetheless, based on nothing much at all, two or three Discovery Channel shows and a subscription to Scientific American, I strongly suspect that mass forms out of vibrations out of space-time. It just feels right. And right feeling among the general public is what's important in theoretical physics.

November 16, 2007 at 9:40 AM  

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