A Boy and His P-40

"I thought back on my 17 months in Assam—a slow, back-country operation, a war of attrition. Winners were those who learned to adapt to long periods of boredom and appreciate the country and its people. Few of us became heroes."
--Charles Evans
My father's wartime memoir, "Travels With A P-40" has just been posted in its enterty complete with (pictures) on Library of Congress Website.

The book details my 22-year-old father's remarkable journey from the deck of the aircraft carrier, U.S.S. Ranger, across North Africa, through the Middle East, Iraq, the Persian Gulf and onto India and China where he flew his P-40, "Devil Chaser II" to maintain supply lines and keep the Japanese expansion in check. He flew first with the 26th Fighter Squadron, 51st Fighter Group, and then with the Burma Banshees of the 90 fighter squadron.
Travels With A P-40 was Edited by Edwards Park a contributing writer and editor for the Smithsonian and a fellow fighter pilot. However the book has not been formally published.
Just the other day, my mother received word that the book was being highlighted in the LOC's special collections on WWII and the China/Burma/India Theater. We are still considering publishing the book formally.
Dad wouldn't have given a hoot about this. He wrote the book for his kids. We all think it was the bestest gift EVER!
My father had a wonderful, adventerous life. For those interested, you can read more about him here.
Eric- Thanks truly for posting this. We all miss your Dad, and give our thanks for his service.
Thanks FSL. He could be a little difficult to deal with when I was a kid. I am glad he grew out of it!
Wow, thanks for posting this!
I'm reading through it and I'm passing it on to the WW2 aircraft aficionados group I belong to.
Hey that's great! Thanks. If you or your group, or anyone on Eisengeiste would like a hard copy, just let me know. I have a box of them.
Thanks for the offer of a hardcover, but I finished reading it this afternoon!
BTW: Just to pass it on, someone from the WW2 fighters group highly recommended the book Nanette by the very same Edward Park who edited your dad's memoir
Wow. I hoped you liked the book. Edward's park also wrote "Angels Twenty". I believe it is about his experiences flying Thunderbolts. It is on my short list but I haven't gotten to it yet.
I'd like a hard copy, at your convenience...
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